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Why and How to Test WordPress Themes Before Using Them for Your Website

Choosing the right WordPress theme is crucial for building a website that meets your needs and resonates with your audience. But diving headfirst into theme installation without proper testing can lead to unforeseen issues, like broken layouts, slow performance, or even security vulnerabilities. 

This is why testing WordPress themes on a WordPress staging site is essential before going live. In this post, weā€™ll explore the importance of testing themes and how to do it effectively using a WordPress staging site.

Why You Should Test WordPress Themes

1. Ensure Compatibility with Plugins

Your WordPress site likely relies on a variety of plugins for functionalityā€”whether itā€™s for SEO, e-commerce, or security. Not all themes play well with all plugins, and testing on a staging site helps you identify any conflicts. This way, you can avoid a situation where a new theme breaks essential features on your live site.

2. Assess Theme Performance

Performance is a critical factor for any website. 

Testing a theme on a WordPress staging allows you to evaluate its load times, responsiveness, and overall performance before making it live.

3. Verify Responsiveness Across Devices

In todayā€™s mobile-first world, ensuring that your website looks and functions well on all devices is a must. Testing your theme on a staging site gives you the opportunity to check its responsiveness on various screen sizes without affecting your live site.

4. Avoid Potential Security Risks

Not all themes are created equalā€”some may have vulnerabilities that could be exploited by hackers. Testing a theme on a staging site allows you to identify and address potential security risks without compromising your main website.

How to Test WordPress Themes on a Staging Site

Now that weā€™ve covered the importance of testing WordPress themes, letā€™s dive into how you can effectively test them using a WordPress staging site. Hereā€™s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Create a WordPress Staging Site

The first step is to set up a staging environment where you can safely test your themes. There are several ways to create a staging site, but one of the easiest methods is to use a platform like InstaWP. This tool allows you to quickly create a staging site without the need for technical expertise.

  1. Sign up for an Account: While you can create a staging site without an account, signing up allows you to retain your test site for a longer period, usually up to seven days.
  2. Create a New Staging Site: Once signed in, navigate to the dashboard and click on “Add New Site.” Choose the configuration that matches your needs, such as the WordPress version and any pre-installed plugins.
  3. Launch the Staging Site: After setting your preferences, click “Create Site.” Within moments, your staging site will be ready for testing.

Step 2: Install the Theme You Want to Test

With your staging site set up, itā€™s time to install the theme you want to test.

  1. Navigate to Appearance > Themes: In your staging siteā€™s WordPress dashboard, go to the Appearance section and select Themes.
  2. Click on Add New Theme: From here, you can browse available themes or upload a custom one that youā€™ve purchased or developed.
  3. Install and Activate the Theme: After selecting your theme, click ā€œInstallā€ and then ā€œActivate.ā€ Your staging site will now use the new theme, allowing you to begin testing.

Step 3: Test Theme Functionality

Now that your theme is active on the staging site, itā€™s time to thoroughly test its functionality.

  1. Check Plugin Compatibility: Activate the plugins you typically use on your live site and observe how they interact with the new theme. Look for any errors, broken features, or conflicts that may arise.
  2. Evaluate Performance: Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix to assess the performance of your staging site. Pay attention to load times, server response times, and any recommendations for improvement.
  3. Test Responsiveness: Open your staging site on various devicesā€”desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Ensure that the layout is responsive and that all elements are displayed correctly across different screen sizes.

Step 4: Fine-Tune and Customize

If the theme passes your initial tests, you can proceed with customizing it to match your brandā€™s identity.

  1. Adjust Theme Settings: Explore the themeā€™s customization options, such as color schemes, typography, and layout settings. Make sure these changes do not affect the performance or responsiveness of the site.
  2. Test Custom CSS: If you plan to use custom CSS, add your styles to the staging site and check how they integrate with the theme. Ensure that your customizations donā€™t cause any layout issues or conflicts.
  3. Save Your Progress: If youā€™re satisfied with the customization, save the settings. Most staging platforms allow you to save your themeā€™s configuration as a template, making it easier to replicate on your live site.

Step 5: Go Live with Confidence

After thoroughly testing and fine-tuning your theme on the staging site, you can confidently move it to your live site.

  1. Backup Your Live Site: Before applying the new theme, make sure to back up your live site. This will give you a safety net in case anything goes wrong during the transition.
  2. Deploy the Theme: Depending on the staging platform youā€™re using, there may be a one-click option to deploy the theme to your live site. Follow the prompts to apply the new theme.
  3. Perform Final Checks: Once the theme is live, perform final checks to ensure everything is functioning as expected. Check plugin compatibility, performance, and responsiveness one last time to ensure a smooth transition.

Additional Tips for Theme Testing

1. Test Multiple Themes Simultaneously If youā€™re undecided on which theme to use, take advantage of your staging environment by testing multiple themes simultaneously. This allows you to compare their performance, responsiveness, and compatibility side by side.

2. Use a Staging Site for Major Updates In addition to theme testing, a WordPress staging site is invaluable for testing major updates, such as new WordPress versions or plugin updates. This ensures that your live site remains stable and uninterrupted.

3. Share Your Staging Site for Feedback If youā€™re working with a team or client, consider sharing access to the staging site. This allows others to review the theme and provide feedback before it goes live.


Testing WordPress themes on a WordPress staging site is a crucial step in building a successful website. It allows you to ensure compatibility, assess performance, and avoid potential issues before they impact your live site. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can confidently choose and customize the perfect theme for your WordPress site.

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